Tudo sobre dc motor speed controller makers


Controllers are classified into digital and analog versions. The main difference between a digital DC motor controller and its analog variant is that the former comprises microcontroller (MCU) based hardware and firmware. 

From the above expression, it can be revealed that the speed can be controlled by any one of the following three factors

If you connect everything correctly than if you turn the potentiometer anticlockwise the motor will spin faster and if I turn the potentiometer anti clockwise the motor will slow down.

Generated because of the constant switching of the commutator, it affects neighboring electronic components. To reduce it, you could implement different filters that protect the wires from EMI.

A linear regulator better suits a low voltage DC motor controller because the excessive input voltage may cause power loss and even thermal overload.   

Now we can move on and design a custom PCB for this circuit. For that purpose I will use the EasyEDA free em linha software. Here we can start by searching and placing the components on the blank canvas.

Now as discussed before this IC has ability to change the direction of rotation of DC motor. This is achieved by controlling the voltage levels at INPUT1 and INPUT2. 

PWM can be implemented using MPUs equipped with dedicated PWM hardware. While 120-degree conducting control only requires two-phase voltage control and be implemented relatively easily in software, sinusoidal control uses three-phase voltage control and is considerably more complicated.

The dataflow of the system of differential equations can be formulated as a simulation diagram in Collimator's model editor as shown in Figure 2.

In a BDC motor controller, the speed and torque are regulated by changing the power supply with the help of voltage regulators. They can be either a separate system or a part of the controller. For different purposes, engineers can use linear or switching regulators.

If we start to reduce the maximum voltage at which the motor rotates at maximum speed, the speed of the motor also starts to reduce. In this way these enable pins are helpful to control the speed of the DC motor.

By decreasing the flux produced by the field winding, the speed can be increased and vice versa. Hence the name flux control method or field control method.

Before going further we need to discuss the H-BRIDGE. Now this circuit has mainly two functions, first is to drive a DC motor from low power control signals and the other is to change the direction of rotation of DC motor.

The working of the program is very simple. Arduino reads the voltage at the analog input pin A0 (slider of the POT). Necessary calculations are done using this reading and the duty cycle is adjusted according to it. The step-by-step working is noted in the program below.


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